February 1, 2006

Brokebacken Record...

For my birthday post..day three I have a thought.

People who watched Brokeback Mountain don't bother me. People who are against seeing Brokeback Mountain don't bother me. People who call the people who are against seeing Brokeback Mountain "homophobic" don't bother me.

The people who bother me are the ones who go to great lengths to explain why people who call those who won't see the movie "homophobic" are wrong.

1 comment:

Sean Claes said...

Here's the explanation of that post.. for those who didn't get it.

The first two are based on taste.. nobody is forcing you to see anything. The third point is an opinion... right or wrong. People are entitled to their opinions.

The last one is people thinking they need to "police the world" and point out wht someone elses opinon is wrong... like we don't have the capacity to decide for ourselves why we think an opinion is wrong. Speaking to hear yourself talk...in essance.

There's a reason they call opinions "opinions" and facts "facts."