8:00a.m. - 2:00p.m.
408 Lockhart Street • Kyle, Texas
(A block west of the Old City Hall turn right)

The entire congregation of the KUMC has been asked to donate items like ladies, mens and baby clothes, furniture, toys, tools, and other household items in order to replace money raised to build our New Life Center (pictured in background) after our building contractor was paid for services/materials not provided. Although legal action is pending, the congregation is planning on moving forward and finishing this building as well as the landscape and a playground. Money raised from sale of items goes towards our new building fund. Money brought in from a baked goods sale (cookies, cakes, brownies) goes towards playground equipment. The KUMC Youth will also be raising money by having a face-painting booth for the kiddos.
Visit the Kyle United Methodist Church on Saturday February 23, 2008 and help by making a purchase.
May God bless you.