September 24, 2008

Dreams - An Thology of Wild Fiction

A few months ago, I attended a workshop at The Wizard Academy entitled Wild Fiction. The plan of the workshop was to get a number of writers in a room and teach them a few things about fiction writing. The bonus of the class was, at the end we all had the assignment to pen a short story of our own and submit it to be published. I decided I would submit an interview I had with Peter Drewson, the inventor of the Drewson Suitcase Television.

Well, Dreams - An Thology of Wild Fiction is now at press. From the Wizard Academy Press you can now pre-order the hardcover book which includes my story. It will be shipped the first week of December.


Back up Sean....Who did you write about?
I'm glad you asked.

In the 1960s, Peter Drewson, a door-to-door salesperson and struggling inventor, built one working suitcase television. It was his big chance at becoming a millionaire and known the world over. Of course, if you've never heard of him, you're not alone... most haven't. He was unable to sell his idea and as technology advanced the need for a television/suitcase combo was no longer needed.

The original Drewson Suitcase Television is thought to have been lost on March 23, 1974 in a barfire.

So... if you're looking for a good read this Christmas... Might I recommend Dreams - An Thology of Wild Fiction? If you ask.. I'm sure I can get one of the authors to sign a copy.

The full list of Authors and additional information on the book can be found by clicking the cover of the book above or clicking here.

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