Boasting A Live Nativity, Games, Choir Performance, and Wassail

There’s a wonderful tradition of family and fellowship that surrounds Christmas. It is in this spirit that the Kyle United Methodist Church (408 W Lockhart St) invites all of our neighbors to our first ever Christmas Festival on December 13, 2008.
The Festival kicks off at 4:00p.m. and you’ll find refreshments like applesauce cake and wassail (a hot spiced punch). You can do some Christmas shopping as we’ll be selling hand-made items such as baby blankets, fancy Christmas bows, Jars of Joy (decorated ingredient jars for tasty soups, brownies, cookies, and beverages), and other unique gift items and baked goods. There will also be a “New To You” re-gifting booth of brand-new items that will be sold for a heavenly song.
Children of all ages will have plenty to do. We’ll have a booth for face painting and we’ll have games like “Frosty Toss,” “Pin The Nose of Rudolph,” and the “Christmas Card Toss.” We’ve also been in contact with Saint Nicholas, and he said he’d be there as well to say hello and listen to all of the children’s Christmas wishes.
The Children of the KUMC will entertain the crowds with a performance of “The Nativity.” This will include a live Nativity and narration from scripture. You’ll have a chance to sing along with the kiddos when they perform “Silent Night.” They will perform twice, at 5:00p.m. and 6:00p.m. If you’ve ever seen little ones perform…you know it’ll be fun.
Once 7:00p.m. comes, it’s time to head inside the sanctuary for an hour-long performance by the KUMC Choir, led by Choir Director Jenny Sandoval. The title of the performance is “An Old Fashioned Christmas” - The story of a man wishing for the simpler times in which to celebrate Christmas and is told through the diary of a young girl written in the late 1800's.
The KUMC Christmas Festival is free to attend. All the proceeds raised through the Festival will go towards furnishing the children's nursery or to children's playground equipment for the New Life Center being built at KUMC. The entire community is invited to attend. Additional information may be obtained by calling the church office (512-268-2331) or e-maling (
Who: Kyle United Methodist Church
What: KUMC’s First Ever Christmas Festival
When: Saturday, December 13, 2008 from 4:00p.m. – 8:00p.m.
Where: Kyle United Methodist Church, 408 W. Lockhart Street, Kyle, Texas 78640
Why: Meet our neighbors and celebrate Christmas
Cost: Free to the public.

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