Go to the corner store, buy the cheapest beer you can find, shake the Hell out of it, then pop the top. What comes out is Freebleeder from Austin Texas. One part punk, one part rock, and one part metal, and three parts drunk. Catchy songs and an energetic live set have begun to provide a buzz throughout the mighty State of Texas. Drink and Destroy. (From http://myspace.com/freebleeder)
Full Service refers to the fact that at any given show you go from soothing rhythm to hard rock to heavy funk to . . . well, a combination of all three. The brilliance is in how it is all woven together in a way that nobody has done before. . . The more I've listened to the band the more I've come to realize that the riveting guitars and the catchy baseline are strangely melodic in ways unlike any other band has mastered. Everything is upbeat without feeling forced. The music seems to echo Full Service's outlook on life with the integrity that is lacking in most of today's music. To listen is to appreciate their perspective on life. (From INsite Magazine)
Allow me to introduce the band. I'm David Harrod from the band Bent Eye Bolt. Stephen Haas is the drummer/back up vocals/ producer/ owner of Addison Studio's. There is also two other guys in the band Todd Hiebert (bass), and Brian Carney (Hammond C3, Rhodes, Wurlitzer, Mellotron, synthesizer, piano samples) A side from the music we’re just regular dudes trying to have a good time. (From: http://www.benteyeboltmusic.com
This is a CD Release show for this Compilation - $5 will get you this beauty:
1. Dryland- Freebleeder
2. Beneath the Velvet Bridge- Freebleeder
3. Thorn- Bent Eye Bolt
4. 7 Come 11- Bent Eye Bolt
5. Oh Kill Me- Full Service
6. Hi-Ho- Full Service
PLUS a FREE INsite Compilation CD :
1. Move On- Vallejo (vallejomusic.com)
2. Propaganda - One Trick Monkey (onetrickmonkey.net)
3. Need Me - She Craves (shecraves.com)
4. Twilight - Dexter Freebish (dexterfreebish.com/)
5. Look Up, Look Down - This Life Electric (thislifeelectric.com/)
6. Rufus - Patrice Pike (patricepike.com/)
7. Goldmines - David Newbould (davidnewbould.com/)
8. Poetry and Prozac - Twilight Broadcast (twilightbroadcast.com/)
9. Easy - Wendy Colonna (wendycolonna.com/)
10. Photographs - Dave Madden (davemaddenmusic.com/)
11. Marcia Martian – Jabarvy (jabarvy.com/)
12. Useless Cause - Loss Rayne (lossrayne.com/)
13. Specialer - Escort Service (escortserviceband.com/)
14. ...And The Band Played On – DAX (dax.org/)
15. In Love With Your Sound - Acoustic Spoken Groove (spokengroove.com/)