Three stages, ten bands/performers, two radio stations, and one neighborhood makes for a fantastic time. The First Ever Plum Creek Music Festival is going to take place on Sunday, May 7 from 11:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. in the Neighborhood of Plum Creek.
There will be the Plum Creek Stage in Plum Creek Square (11:00a.m. - 1:00p.m.) where there will be some performances by area kids and an Austin acoustic band. Both parks - The Electric Stage at McNaughton and Acoustic Stage at Haupt) will have live music from 1:00p.m. - 5:00p.m. with Haupt Park having Majic 95.5 between 11:00a.m. - 1:00p.m. and McNaughton having Mix 94.7 between 3:00p.m. - 5:00p.m.
11:00a.m.-1:00p.m. Plum Creek Square
Sponsored by Plum Creek Development
11:00a.m. – 11:25a.m.: Brooke Lowden School
of Dance
11:30a.m. – 11:55 a.m.: Academy of Martial Arts
12:00noon – 1:00p.m.: Jaime Joseph Band - jaimejoseph.com
5:00p.m.: Spencer Thomas
1:00p.m. – 5:00p.m. Live Music - “The Acoustic Stage”
Sponsored by Plum Creek School of Music
1:00p.m – 1:45p.m.: Bruce Falgren
2:00p.m – 3:00p.m.: Jenny Hollub - jennyhollub.com
3:15p.m – 5:00p.m.: Ryan T. Briggs - ryantbriggs.com
1:00p.m. – 5:00p.m. Live Music - “The Electric Stage”
Sponsored by the Fellowship at Plum Creek
and Sean Claes Publicity
1:00p.m – 1:45p.m.: Wendy Colonna - wendycolonna.com
2:00p.m – 3:00p.m:. Six Easy Pieces - myspace.com/sixeasypieces
3:15p.m – 5:00p.m.: MindSpin
The Plum Creek Music Festival will be part of Plum Creek’s Front Porch Days. For more information about this, download the Official Program at plumcreektx.com
Welcome to Claes Place. Sean Claes is a Content Manager and Social Media expert who has worked as a Journalist, Photographer, Event Planner, Consultant, Marketer and Copywriter. He's got over 20 years of experience advising small business and musicians about their marketing and social media.
These are his stories, notes, works and advice.
Contact Sean Claes at seanclaesATseanclaesDOTcom.
April 30, 2006
April 13, 2006
A Survey thing... 10 Music Artists
1. Edwin McCain MySpace Profile, http://www.edwin.com/
2. Los Lobos - MySpace Profile, http://www.loslobos.org/
3. Darrell Scott - MySpace Profile, http://www.darrellscott.com/
4. Terri Hendrix - MySpace Profile, http://www.terrihendrix.com/
5. Black Crowes - MySpace Profile, http://www.blackcrowes.com
6. Full Service - MySpace Profile, http://www.fullservicemusic.com/
7. Nooner - MySpace Profile, http://noonerrock.com/
8. George Strait - MySpace Profile, http://www.georgestrait.com/
9. KISS - (no official link)
10. Hank Williams III - MySpace Profile, http://www.hank3.com/
-What was the first song you ever heard by 6?
The first one I can really recall hearing is Late January
What is your favorite album by number 8?
Strait Out Of The Box the man cant record a bad song.
-What is your favorite lyric of 5?
You can lead a horse to water
But faith is another matter
So dont you surrender
Cause sometimes salvation
In the eye of the storm
- Sometimes Salvation
-How many times have you seen 4 live?
Too many to count. Ive watched Terri Hendrix for 10 years.from playing a open mic night in 1996 to the Old Settlers Music Festival to SXSW (2006) and The Texas Music History Unplugged (most recent photos on my homepage.)
-What is your favorite song by 7?
Party People it straight-up rocks.
-Is there a song of 3 that makes you sad?
Hes written some fantastic sad songs Six OClock In The Morning
Some men have a god
That keeps them from harm
Some men have a bottle
At the end of their arm.
I have a child that calls me Dad
I long to give her what I never had
Like waking up and feeling glad
It's six oclock in the morning
-What is your favorite lyric of 2?
Whats my favorite Los Lobos Lyric? Wow Um Probably from One Time One Night In America:
A wise man was telling stories to me
about the places he had been to and the things that he had seen
A quiet voice is singing something to me
An age old song 'bout the home of the brave and this land here of the free,
One time one night in America
-What is your favorite song by 9?
Goin Blind off their first album
or Domino off Revenge
-How did you get into 3?
I think I had Aloha From Nashville for a few years before I actually put it in the CD player. My wife had it too and told me I should give it a listen I didnt take that CD out of my CD player for about 6 months. It should be required listening to all. Its one of me 2 desert island CDs.
-What is your favorite song by 4?
Quiet Me
-How many times have you seen 9 live?
Two times.. and they were both totally amazing. Say what you want.. KISS puts on the best live show in the land.
-What is a good memory concerning 2?
I hung out with Conrad Lozano a couple of months ago and got to meet them all amazing. I sing Sabor A Mi to my wife. I took my sister to a Los Lobos concert hardly ever spent time with her as an adult its a good memory.
- Is there a song by 8 that makes you sad?
I dont know Nobody In His Right Mind Would Have Left Her is one I guess
What is your favorite song by 1?
How Strange It Seems is rockin and I always have loved Solitude.
-How did you become a fan of 10?
I was in Old Town Spring (outside of Houston, TX) shopping with some friends and they shop owner was playing the CD so I found out who it was bought the CD.
1. Edwin McCain MySpace Profile, http://www.edwin.com/
2. Los Lobos - MySpace Profile, http://www.loslobos.org/
3. Darrell Scott - MySpace Profile, http://www.darrellscott.com/
4. Terri Hendrix - MySpace Profile, http://www.terrihendrix.com/
5. Black Crowes - MySpace Profile, http://www.blackcrowes.com
6. Full Service - MySpace Profile, http://www.fullservicemusic.com/
7. Nooner - MySpace Profile, http://noonerrock.com/
8. George Strait - MySpace Profile, http://www.georgestrait.com/
9. KISS - (no official link)
10. Hank Williams III - MySpace Profile, http://www.hank3.com/
-What was the first song you ever heard by 6?
The first one I can really recall hearing is Late January
What is your favorite album by number 8?
Strait Out Of The Box the man cant record a bad song.
-What is your favorite lyric of 5?
You can lead a horse to water
But faith is another matter
So dont you surrender
Cause sometimes salvation
In the eye of the storm
- Sometimes Salvation
-How many times have you seen 4 live?
Too many to count. Ive watched Terri Hendrix for 10 years.from playing a open mic night in 1996 to the Old Settlers Music Festival to SXSW (2006) and The Texas Music History Unplugged (most recent photos on my homepage.)
-What is your favorite song by 7?
Party People it straight-up rocks.
-Is there a song of 3 that makes you sad?
Hes written some fantastic sad songs Six OClock In The Morning
Some men have a god
That keeps them from harm
Some men have a bottle
At the end of their arm.
I have a child that calls me Dad
I long to give her what I never had
Like waking up and feeling glad
It's six oclock in the morning
-What is your favorite lyric of 2?
Whats my favorite Los Lobos Lyric? Wow Um Probably from One Time One Night In America:
A wise man was telling stories to me
about the places he had been to and the things that he had seen
A quiet voice is singing something to me
An age old song 'bout the home of the brave and this land here of the free,
One time one night in America
-What is your favorite song by 9?
Goin Blind off their first album
or Domino off Revenge
-How did you get into 3?
I think I had Aloha From Nashville for a few years before I actually put it in the CD player. My wife had it too and told me I should give it a listen I didnt take that CD out of my CD player for about 6 months. It should be required listening to all. Its one of me 2 desert island CDs.
-What is your favorite song by 4?
Quiet Me
-How many times have you seen 9 live?
Two times.. and they were both totally amazing. Say what you want.. KISS puts on the best live show in the land.
-What is a good memory concerning 2?
I hung out with Conrad Lozano a couple of months ago and got to meet them all amazing. I sing Sabor A Mi to my wife. I took my sister to a Los Lobos concert hardly ever spent time with her as an adult its a good memory.
- Is there a song by 8 that makes you sad?
I dont know Nobody In His Right Mind Would Have Left Her is one I guess
What is your favorite song by 1?
How Strange It Seems is rockin and I always have loved Solitude.
-How did you become a fan of 10?
I was in Old Town Spring (outside of Houston, TX) shopping with some friends and they shop owner was playing the CD so I found out who it was bought the CD.
April 12, 2006
The seanclaesDOTcom Update

The SeanclaesDOTcom Update
Latest Interview:

SINIS Rocks the Cantina! Austin rock band SINIS broke up in 2002 has decided to come together in the name of sloppy-rock with a killer stage show for a 2 night stand at the Flamingo Cantina on May 5 and 6, 2006. I had a chance to sit down with Krank Von Shaft and Johnny Thundernips to talk about their favorite subject them.
This story is running in the April 2006 issue of INsite (http://www.insiteaustin.com)
CD Reviews
Ive archived all of the 2005 reviews and posted new reviews:
Deep Eddy Records Presents - Big Wave Riders
Exile To Naples- You Belong To Me
Shelly Knight and the Livin' Dead - S/T
Brandon Rhyder- Conviction
Tee Double- The Growth
Live Music Photos
- Iungo Online Magazine Launch Party @ Ruta Maya (San Antonio)
- Texas Music History Unplugged 6 @ Texas State University San Marcos
- SXSW-Week photos lots and lots of pictures
Notes From The Cubicle
This is my Blog I update it at least once a week
Sean Claes Archives
Visit and say hello...
My Interviews archive holds everything Ive done up to December 2005
My CD Review Archive now holds my CD Reviews up to December 2005
SeanclaesDOTcom Links links to many of the publications Ive written for in the pastand present.
April 10, 2006
I run sound for God....
I've always wanted to learn how to run a sound board... being an entertainment writer and loving to be around music, I thought..what better way to get involved than by helping make the sound work better... so when the music director at my church announced last Sunday that she needed someone interested in running the sound for the church I jumped at the chance. Now, this is just a small step. The church had a capacity of about 120 and the choir is about 10 people on a good day.... but hey... I'm sure Phil Spector got his start at a church... right?
Last night I went to the first choir practice. I got used to the sound board and found that my main job would be to "press play" on the CD player for the big Easter service choir recital. Then make sure no feedback happens and the music doesn't overpower the choir... easy enough. I did it in about 2 minutes and I had time to sit and think.
I've been an entertainment writer for over 10 years. It's part of my "job" to listen to bands and dissect lyrics but I'd never done that for church music...
I started to listen to the words of the music. Wow... I know it sounds odd, but I never thought of "church music" as something with amazing lyrical content. I grew up singing "Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me" but I never thought about the meaning... it was just something that I did. Going through the motions I guess. I mean I've got my faith in God and we have a relationship that is special to me but I hadn't sat back and listened to the words before.
One of the lyrics that blew me away in particular was "And though He taught me how to live/ I'm the one who taught Him how to die / And I'm the one to blame /I caused all His pain /He gave Himself the day He wore my crown"
(From "The Day He Wore My Crown")
Wow... I'm 33 years old and before yesterday I don't think I really understood the meaning behind Easter. It's easy to say "Jesus died for my sins." But when you think about it it's an amazing thing... here's this person who I've never met in the flesh who lived before I was even a concept of a life and he died for me.
I guess it's easy for skeptics to dismiss this thought... I never dismissed it, but I never thought about it either. last night I thought about it. It amazed me.
So, I'm the sound man for God. If you'd like to come to the Kyle United Methodist Church next Sunday you can see me work. Maybe you'll hear something you'd never heard before. Hopefully not feedback...The choir sounds amazing and that's not because of me pressing a button.
Last night I went to the first choir practice. I got used to the sound board and found that my main job would be to "press play" on the CD player for the big Easter service choir recital. Then make sure no feedback happens and the music doesn't overpower the choir... easy enough. I did it in about 2 minutes and I had time to sit and think.
I've been an entertainment writer for over 10 years. It's part of my "job" to listen to bands and dissect lyrics but I'd never done that for church music...
I started to listen to the words of the music. Wow... I know it sounds odd, but I never thought of "church music" as something with amazing lyrical content. I grew up singing "Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me" but I never thought about the meaning... it was just something that I did. Going through the motions I guess. I mean I've got my faith in God and we have a relationship that is special to me but I hadn't sat back and listened to the words before.
One of the lyrics that blew me away in particular was "And though He taught me how to live/ I'm the one who taught Him how to die / And I'm the one to blame /I caused all His pain /He gave Himself the day He wore my crown"
(From "The Day He Wore My Crown")
Wow... I'm 33 years old and before yesterday I don't think I really understood the meaning behind Easter. It's easy to say "Jesus died for my sins." But when you think about it it's an amazing thing... here's this person who I've never met in the flesh who lived before I was even a concept of a life and he died for me.
I guess it's easy for skeptics to dismiss this thought... I never dismissed it, but I never thought about it either. last night I thought about it. It amazed me.
So, I'm the sound man for God. If you'd like to come to the Kyle United Methodist Church next Sunday you can see me work. Maybe you'll hear something you'd never heard before. Hopefully not feedback...The choir sounds amazing and that's not because of me pressing a button.
April 7, 2006
Corporate Coffee Sucks!!!
.... he says while drinking a wonderful Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks... damn gift cards... Mmmm... this is good.
Seattle's Best has a damn good Latte...
(the attempt to save oneself)... Ruta Maya has the best drip coffee in town... The Hideout ain't no slouches at good coffee either.
So I suck corporate coffee! Um.. I mean... never mind.
Drink what you want... they'll make more.
Seattle's Best has a damn good Latte...
(the attempt to save oneself)... Ruta Maya has the best drip coffee in town... The Hideout ain't no slouches at good coffee either.
So I suck corporate coffee! Um.. I mean... never mind.
Drink what you want... they'll make more.
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